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2003-10-02 - 11:33 a.m.

I did an entry yesterday, then today I took it out.

Nobody reads my stuff here anyway, so it doesn't matter. I realize that it MIGHT be possible that I am read here, but the percentage rate of that one is VERY small. So, saying that, I am usually found writing an online journal at another site where I seem to have a VERY small, yet appreciative following of readers.

I will still maintain this site though since I invested to get the better services...but I suppose I'll be writing more at the other one.

I WOULD say what the other one is, and I might at a later date, but right now, I'll not do it. IF on the other hand SOMEBODY out there who has actually read this BLOG and who has liked it, would like to know what the other one is, then email me...and I shall consider sending the address of the other one.

In the meantime, I shall come here and write, sometimes, but not as much as I might on the other one.


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